Wednesday, December 1, 2010

[Hoshi's 1st storia] "With You" (Chapters 10 - 11)

Chapter 10: Mission no.149 ~ Edward's Birthday.. 

A year passed by, the bond between all of them became stronger. Edward was finally, be able to continue his studies as a 1st year college student , taking a course of Chemical Engineering. Alice reached 4th year high school and was a graduating student. Daniel was on his 2nd year of Chemistry course. Paolo was on his 1st year of Computer Science course and Mark was on his 1st year of Multimedia Arts. Matthew was a graduating college student of Law. He was taking his board exams.  At the same time, Soul  Freedom can still continue as a band and Alice as a singer.

Edward and Alice's affection with each other grew stronger. And so, when Alice graduated, Edward confessed his love to Alice.She got very speechless. Alice let him woo her. The time that Edward wooed the third time, and since Alice cannot answer him if "yes" or "no", they had a deal. Edward gave a box of ring to Alice. By the time she started to wear the ring inside, it means, she accepts Edward as her official boyfriend. And if she returns the box with the ring inside, she rejects him.

Twenty three days later, it's Edward's birthday. Mira invited Edward to be with her so early to go to different departments to renew her papers. After a while, everybody who were left in the house woke up. Alice asked for everyone's help. They prepared for a small party. Daniel, Mark and Matthew were assigned to cook. And since they know just a little knowledge in cooking, Alice guided them. Paolo and Alice planned how to run the party. Paolo contacted Patricia -- Edward and Alice's favorite musician -- and her vocalists Jessica, Stephanie, and Jeanne to sing in the party, and also, to join them in the celebration. Alice shared everything - the confession - to Paolo and asked for others' help for another plan. After the preparation, they gave a signal to Mira that they should go home. Upon arriving back to the house, Edward got very surprised.

"Happy birthday, Edward!!" Everyone shouted.
"What in the~! What is this!? Huh!? WAAAAAHHH!!!" Edward shouted with happiness.
"Can't you see, can't you see? Getting blind?? haha! kidding! I love you, bro!" Paolo said to Edward.
"Waaaahhh!! Thank you!" Edward shouted.
"C'mon! Let's party!!" Daniel shouted.
"Wooohhh!!! Let's party!!" everyone replied.

Edward can't really believe on what was happening there. All of them were enjoying. All of them there were having a nice talk with the other. Night of Red Moon -- which is composed of Jessica, Stephanie and Jeanne -- were getting to know with the Soul Freedom. Each one of them went to the stage to give their speeches and thanks for Edward. Paolo and Alice went on the stage in pair but Paolo was the one who read their speech.

"Thank you. That's all! Haha! Kidding! Okay, serious mode.. Thank you for being such a good and protective brother. An inspiration to many. You're such a good singer and lyricist. A talented man with a very gentle heart. A cheerful man who smiles so cute. Haha! A very supportive friend, brother and son. Hmm.. What else?? An energetic man that makes others happy. And an athletic man who doesn't surrender on any challenges in his life. Happy birthday to our dearest brotheeerrrr!!! ahaha!! drama mode, on!!" Paolo said.

"Waaahh!! nosebleed! haha! Thanks!!" Edward said as he hug both of them.


Chapter 10: Mission no.149 ~ Together.. Back From Where We've Started..

Alice came near to Edward. She gave the box of ring to him. Edward looked at Alice's hands to check if she wears the ring. Unfortunately, she wears no ring. Edward smiled, hiding disappointment in him.

"Open it." Alice requested.
"huh? o.. kay.." Edward nervously said. He opened the box and didn't see the ring inside.
"What the! Where's the ring!?" Edward surprisingly said.
"I... Don't know! Sorry! I didn't ... err! It's just here a while ago! Eh!? I didn't mean to.. Err! Where is it!?" Alice said.
"Oh maybe.." Edward said.
"Maybe what?" Alice replied.
"Oh, how does the ring look like?" Paolo asked.
"A silver ring with red stone." Edward answered.
"Ah! wait. I'm not sure but.. Maybe that's the one I saw beside the vase there. I put it inside my closet." Daniel said.
"C'mon! Let's get it!" Edward hurriedly said.
"Ok! ok!" Daniel said, and wink secretly to Alice.

Edward and Daniel was already in Daniel's room. Paolo immediately handed the ring to Alice from his pocket. Alice wore it at her right hand's ring finger. They moved the tables and chairs to the side as quiet and as fast as they could -- now, as a wide dance floor. They closed all the lights except on the one on the second floor.

"Sorry bro, I thought red is the color of the stone attached to it. I forgot already." Daniel said.
"No, It's ok. Damn! Where is................... it!?" Edward said as he was surprised to see the setting at the 1st floor.

Edward's eyes got widened. He went down the stairs. Upon reaching the last step, Alice started to play the piano. She used the black and shiny piano that was given to her by Edward to congratulate her on her graduation. She sang the song "together" that was composed by her. After her performance, she stood up and   came near to Edward. The song "A Song of Sun" played -- Paolo as the DJ. She pulled Edward gently to the dance floor and hugged him. They started dancing slowly.

"Surprise. Heh!" Alice said, talking to Edward.
"You're so... hah! Thank you!" Edward replied.
"Happy Birthday.."
"Ehem! Back to where we've started!?"
"Leveled up? haha!"
"Haha! you got me! Good surprise, eh?"
"heh! iiiyyyaaahh!!"
"Now, I freely accept you in my heart... I promise to take care of you. I won't leave you in times of troubles. I will surely promise you that I will do my best just to make your life, the best of all lives that ever existed. I love you, Edward!" Alice said.

She kissed him on his forehead. Edward hugged her tighter. He smiled so big and laughed of too much happiness. Alice took two steps backward and showed herself, wearing the ring. Again, they hugged each other and sway.

"Iiiyyyyaahh!! Cheers for Edward!!" Alice shouted, lifting her wine glass.
"Cheers!!" All followed.

[hoshi's 1st storia] "With You" (Chapters 8 - 9)

AGAIN!!!! xDD this is not professionally made.. :P

Chapter 8: Sing me a song, (an audition..)

Saturday, and there were no classes, Mira went out early to find another job. Still, she haven't known about what happened yesterday night. At the same time, Soul Freedom would also start their practice for their next concert. Mark was alarmed, Alice would be left home , alone.

"You wanna go with us in the studio?" Mark asked.
"Uhh.. Where? I mean.. studio? What will I do there?" Alice asked.
"You'll be left home alone, you wanna join us?" Matthew explained.
"It'll be boring for you to stay here." Daniel.
"Yeah, they're right. It feels like crazy talking with the walls." Paolo continued.
"Haha! okay.. okay.. sure!" Alice replied.
"You can rate our performance.. If you want.." Edward shouted inside his room.
"sure thing!" Alice replied.

They arrived in the studio at 10AM. They prepared the things they need to use. They ate their lunch after. Back at the studio, they started the practice. Some of the Soul Freedom's songs need extra instruments to add on so they searched for someone who can play those instruments, record it and so they will follow on its tempo.

"You can play piano, right?" Edward asked to Alice.
"Yeah.. But it's a long time ago." she answered.
"Why don't you try if you still remember how to.. heh.. If you want."  Edward said.
"Uhh.. okay.. music sheet?? What song??" she answered back.
"Here it is." Matthew said, handling the music sheet to Alice.

And so, Alice played the piece, trying to remember how to read a music sheet. She played repeatedly for hours untill she mastered it. She also practiced the other songs that needs piano melody. On the third day, Edward came near to Alice. He was composing that time and asked for Alice's help and opinion.

"A love song? hmm.. "Sunny spot"?? sweet! yiieehh!! expired?? EHEM! I mean, inspired?? haha!" Alice teased to Edward.
"Haha! I'm just thinking of a song that we can perform together with Daniel. " Edward said.
"I am planning to make you a guest in the concert. I heard you. You were singing yesterday."
"What!? You.. you.. I thought.. What!?"
"Hah! I'm a good stalker!"
"Errr.. I'll eat you!"
"Hah! Try to! oh! by the way, what song is that?"
"The what?"
"The song that you sang yesterday."
"Ah.. the song is entitled With You."
"by Who?"
"I.. just composed it.. yesterday.. but I haven't finished it yet. I'm still practicing for the concert's songs so you can see very few words there." Alice said without Edward knowing that he is her inspiration in doing it.
"Can I see, Can I see!?" Edward excitedly said.
"Sure thing! Here it is.."
As Edward read what is written:
I will stay with you forever,
Stay beside you and won't leave you.
We'll be together in the twilight, holding your hand
And I will sing a song for you...

"Wow.. Very nice! Why won't you finish this song and perform this in the live concert?" Edward continued.
"Do you think, that will work? It's your concert, they are your listeners, not OURS. Heh!" Alice replied.
"There's nothing wrong with one solo performance. And.. We'll let you play the piano, live."
"HA!? I..." Alice surprisingly shouted.
"Heh! C'mon! It's just fine. Soul Freedom featuring Alice? It's nice. You can do it!"
"Err.. You're killing me so early."
"Ne? You can do it, c'mon! Don't be shy. Haha! Hey, I almost forgot. We'll add piano and strings on Sunny Spot. Can you help me complete the lyrics and melody?"
"Sure! Wait.. Are you using your imagination in composing this one?"
"Okay.. Describe the girl.. tell me the meaning.. and its story."
"She's... b.. beautiful.. sweet.. nice.. and cheerful. She's shy, caring and loving. uhh.." Edward said, looking at Alice as he describes her.
"nice.. haha! okay.. continue.."
"The man was fallen in-love with her. She was his best friend. and then finally, the girl or the  woman had fallen in-love with him. They have fun together. They unite as one. Though they have many fights, they can still they can handle it out. They treasure every moment with each other. And it was like.. Their relationship is the best blessing that God gave to them.. How it is? Heh!"
"Wonderful! Cute! So sweet! I love it! Okay, now that I know the concept, maybe we should start in continuing writing this song." 

They started sharing their thoughts about the song. They called Daniel to divide the parts between them. The three made the melodies and the harmonizations as Alice played the piano piece for it. They also called the other band members to make up their pieces and parts. They also inserted the song "With You" and "Sunny Spot" on the concert's set-list. They continued practicing the whole concert. As for Mira, she became a band accountant and so, 2 days before the concert, they went out to celebrate her approval. 


Chapter 9: Q or A : Question about it or Answer!!???

It's the live's day, the stadium was full of people. All of them were nervous but excited. And yes, what more to Alice, who was a first timer. Since Alice was finished preparing, she let Edward enter the girls' dressing room.

"Hey!" Edward said, entered the room and walked close to Alice.
"Eiiyah, bro! haha! So nervvooouuusss!!!" Alice said.
"Haha! It's okay. It's just your first time." Edward said. He grabbed Alice's hands. "Wow. Freezing cold! Looks like you have a strong stage fright, eh?" he continued.
"Ahaha! Indeed! Very strong! I don't know what to do.. I mean.. How to act with you, guys." Alice replied.
"Hehe.. Don't be afraid. Be confident. Be yourself. And if there's something wrong, I'm... always here to.. to help you." Edward said, kissed Alice's forehead and walked away with shyness on his face.

Alice was so surprised. Her eyes widened. She got very speechless and don't know what to do. That was like, power and energy burst inside her. She smiled and the feeling of nervousness got lessen. Time to start the concert. They all performed with pleasure. The concert was full of energy. They were overwhelmed by the love of their fans. Alice, as a guest performer was also welcomed by Soul Freedom's fans. The concert ended  successfully. Everyone got very tired but still, happiness conquered their hearts. Time for Q&A. Alice and the band answered them honestly. As they went home, they prepared immediately to sleep. At around 1AM, all of them were already sleeping except for one -- Alice. She was thinking about what happened in the Q&A portion. That event kept on flashing back to Alice's mind.


"I've observed that Alice and Edward had so many eye contacts on each other. Edward stares so differently to Alice.. and Alice does the same to Edward. Do both of you have secret relationship? or.. Do both of you have special feelings with each other?" A fan asked.
"Eh? He's my bro.. hmm..  Eh? how could you say that? Haha! you're a way too funny. heh!" Alice said.
"It's her first time.. uh.. so.. and so I look at her just to.. just like a guide and support to her.. yeah, like that." Edward replied.

And yes, that bothers her mind. She kept on rolling over her bed. At last, she already slept but it was already 5AM. As time goes by, at about 9AM, everyone were already awake.

"Who ate the half plate of grapes?" Matthew asked, very puzzled at the fact that the plate of grapes was put inside the ref just before they sleep, looking inside the refrigerator.
"uhhhhh.... me?? Peace!" Alice replied, very dizzy.
"Eh? How many hours did you sleep? Are you okay?" Daniel asked.
"Ha?"  Alice replied.
"What the?!" Paolo said.
"Ne?? Go back to your bed and sleep.. c'mon." Edward suggested.
"Oh.. yea.. okay.." Alice replied.

Alice went back to bed and sleep. Edward in the other hand, went outside, sat on the bench stone and was surprised that he's thinking about the Q&A portion -- same scene as what Alice was thinking about the night that she can't sleep. He got a plan to woo Alice but he was thinking that it was too early to do it. Maybe he's still a brother to Alice considering her age and what did she answered on the question. And also, so that he can think about it more.

3 days passed, Soul Freedom bought a new house for them. They sold out the old one and moved there. Everyone celebrated it through a nice dinner and decided to have the blessing of their house. 
