Saturday, November 13, 2010

[hoshi's 1st storia] "With You" (Chapters 1 - 4)

 Before anything else..
actually, I should post this one next week but since, it'll be exam week, I posted it now.. xD enjoy! :P


Chapter 1 : "Why?"

    Once,there was a girl named "Mia". Both of her parents died from a land slide. She was the only survivor from the disaster for a reason that she is the only one who ran fast and thought of a good strategy to save herself. After the natural phenomena, she was the only person at the top of the hill. She started crying out for her parents. A woman passed by and saw Mia. Mira (the woman) came near and had pity on her.

"What's your name and how old are you, sweetie?" asked Mira.

"Mia. I'm already 11 years old." Mia answered.

"Wow. Nice name! Almost sounded like mine. Come here, sweetie. Don't cry.. Enough of that." Says Mira, hugging Mia.

"Thanks Ma'am! " Mia replied.

Mira reported the incident and took Mia home. While waiting for the police report, Mira, researching for how to be a good mother. She really don't know what to do that time. On the other hand,Mia, lying on the bed, holding a rosary and was praying that her parents would be fine. Seeking for their love, She came near to Mira, hugged her, shaking and was very cold. 3 days have passed, her parents' body was found, lifeless. Her father was already dead and her mother was dead on arrival. Mia heard the news and got very sad. She screamed so loud and tears on her eyes started on dripping. Night came, and she was very tired crying the whole day. Mira then just stayed beside Mia, and gave all her best to support her.

Few more days have passed, Mia, always being very quiet, sitting somewhere or lying on the grass of fields, look on the sky and think about her parents. Mira always hear her singing one same song everyday. Mia said, it was the song that was last composed by her mother before she died. As time goes by, Mia realized that she was taking the situation very emotionally so then, she stood up wore a smile, sang a happy song and danced. She thanked Mira for her support. Mira just laughed so hardly.

"Why? do I look like a fool?" Mia asked.
"Wuhh.. I don't think so! just.. VERY MUCH! " Mira winked at Mia.
"errr.. c'mon!! wooh!!! Party-party!! Hahaha!!" Mia shouted.

Mira was a little surprised. But then, she smiled so big, seeing Mia very happy.

"Once again, thank you sooooo much!!" Mia said and kissed Mira's cheeks.

Happiness grew inside the house. Time goes by, Mia got very comfortable talking to Mira. Finally, Mia let Mira adopt her and both decided to change Mia's name to "Alice".


Chapter 2 : Mira's Agony

4 years have passed, Alice had a possibility that she would not continue her studies because Mia lost her job. The candy factory that she's working with was bankrupted and wasn't able to restore and continue the business. Mira, for a meanwhile, sold her jewelries that was given to her by her husband who passed away 5 years ago, a year after the wedding. While gathering the remaining jewelries, Alice sat beside her..

"Ma?" Alice said, calling Mira.
"Yes my dear?"
"uhh... Nothing?" Alice replied and hugged Mira.

"You know what...
When I was 19 years old, Neil, my husband started to woo me infront of my mother. We always spend time together. My mom, avoiding my dad to see us together really supported our relationship. Neil always call me at my phone whenever he's ready for our date. I kiss my mother a goodbye and gives me back a good luck kiss. Neil and I run through fields, holding each other's hand, and will intentionally, fall on the ground. 5 years have passed, our relationship grew stronger, he proposed infront of my siblings and my parents. My dad was first, disagree-ing but then, Neil didn't gave up and finally, he got my father's heart. My dad agreed and gave his blessing to me and Neil. The most awaited event came and everyone is ready. The wedding was successful and the night was nice. Until Neil and I had our first baby. We named her Anna. The time came that he was driving with my daughter without knowing that the breaks were dis-functional. That night, I waited for them the whole time. The phone rang. The police called me and told me the bad news. The car fell off from the bridge to the bay below it. My husband cannot open the doors anymore. They were stucked inside. The water continued to flow inside until both of them got drowned." Mira told Alice with teary eyes.

"That's.. so... So sad.. What the.. so.. How old is Anna should be now?" asked Alice, very speechless and with a sadness on her face.
"4 years old. I just wish you and Anna were together now. If ever she's still alive until now, I think, you would be as close as real sisters." Mira said, wiping her tears away from her eyes and smiled to Alice.

Alice smiled back. Mira continued to pack up the jewelries. Monday in the morning, Alice get ready for her school and decided to be a working student. Mira disagreed but Alice really wanted to. Fortunately to Alice, she found a small cafe, hiring a waitress. She applied after class and was approved after the 3rd day. Finally, she would now have an enough money to continue her studies. She manages her time well and sometimes, she even study while waiting for costumers to attend to.

 Chapter 3 : An Unexpected Incident

Thursday and it was dismissal time, walking on the road to go back home, Alice passed by an open space with a group of guys and thieves were having a conversation. The thieves,  as people can always see, wearing all black.  Alice, while seeing a gun got very nervous. She hid behind a big garbage can, shaking and was thinking a good plan on how to terminate those bad thieves. She secretly called the police station and gave the location address as silently as she could. She hanged up the phone and get some big stones. She hid back again. She threw stone on the hand of the thief who was holding the gun and hid back again so immediately. That was a good shot. The leader of the thieves then, accidentally dropped down the gun. The others, looked so stupid that the couldn't figure out on where did the stone came from. The time that no one of them stared at Alice's angle, she next, threw a bigger stone to strike the leader's nape to make him unconscious. Again, that was a good shot but this time, the others detected her. She threw on the trash bin's lid to one of the members of the thieves who is about to pick up the gun on the floor. For the ones who are about to attack her, she threw the contents of the trash bin together with the bin itself. Hearing the police car siren, Alice and the 5 innocent boys got very relieved. The thieves tried to escape and just leave the leader there but it was already too late. The cops brought them to jail and they followed to report what happened.

After everything that happened, the evening became once again, peaceful. Alice started to walk back home. One of the innocent guys come near to Alice. They bowed down and said, "Thank you very much! Without you, we won't be saved. We almost die a while ago. Thank you, once again!". The others did the same.

"Hehe.. You're welcome! Ok, have a good night! God bless you!" Alice replied.
"Hey!" Edward, one of them, called to Alice.
"Yes?" Alice answered back with confusion.
"What's your name?"
"One more! uhh.. We, I and my friends are new here in the town. We have no idea about the place here. We are lost. Do you know any nearest  apartment / inn where we can stay for a while and have a rest? We're really tired." Edward said.
"The nearest is far. It is located on the next  2 cities. But.. wait.." Alice said, getting her phone.

She can't find it then realized that she left it on the ground beside where the trash bin is located. Lucky, it's still there. She called Mira. "Ma, can I let my friends stay for a while in our house?  I'll explain later. A very long story." she said. Because of trust, Mira agreed. "Thanks, Ma!" Alice said in reply.

"Or.. Stay in our house." Alice continued to Edward.
"What!? In your house!? That's too much!"
"Hehe! Don't worry! It's just fine! "
"What now?" Edward said, asking his friends.
"I don't know. Haha!" Daniel, one of the members said.
"tss.. Let's go!" Alice said, started to walk, taking the route to her home.
"Are you sure!?" Mark, the other one said.
Alice didn't reply back. the guys shyly followed.

"I'm home!" Alice shouted.
"Ma, here are my friends." she continued.
"Good evening ma'am!" the group greeted to Mira, bowing their heads.
"Same to you. Can you give me your names?" Mira asked.
"Edward." the boy with a black curly hair and a hat said.
"Daniel." the boy with a blond short hair.
"Paolo." the boy with a short, gray hair with braces on his mouth said.
"Mark." the chubby boy with a red hair said.
"Matthew." the man with a mohawk hair said.
"There are rooms at the left side. You can choose your rooms there. But there's only two so group yourselves. The two rooms at the right side is mine and Mi~ .. I mean, Alice's, ok? come here in the dining table. I cooked something to eat." Mira said, inviting the boys.

That evening, they quietly munched their dinner.

Chapter 4 : Settling Down

8PM, after dinner..

"Bye, Ma!" Alice said and kissed Mira on cheeks.
"For work?" asked, Mira.
"You are a working studant!? Wait. But what time do you sleep!?" Edward ask, very surprised.
"5pm - 7:30pm. Then 1 hr after work. Sorry, gotta go! Talk to 'ye if ever there's a time!" Alice said, wearing her shoes.
"Take care, my dear!" Mira shouted.
"Sure thing!" Alice shouted back.

The boys settled down their bags in the room. They planned about who will be in the room #1 and who will be in the other. It was a cold night. As a rest, after they've fixed their  things, they sat on the sofa near the chimney. They saw there, Mira, drinking a cup of hot tea.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Why is she the one working? and.. her father?" asked Matthew.
"Her parents are gone. They died  from a land slide. I found her at the top of the hill and adopted her. She works because she wanted to so that she can continue her studies. I lost my job just last week." Mira replied.
"One reason why she's a little quiet all the time?" Mark said.
"Can be.. And actually, she's a shy type of girl. As you can observe, she's talkative when I'm the one she's talking with. Don't worry. If you really get to know her, she'll be comfortable with you. And if that happened, she'll be later, very talkative." Mira said.
Mira stood up, went to her bed to sleep. 30 mins passed, the boys did the same...

3:00 AM, Alice was back home. Everyone were still sleeping. She immediately, took a bath and brushed her teeth. By the time she opened the refrigerator, Edward felt that there was someone sneaking at the kitchen so he woke up and checked what's in there. He walked there and when he saw its just Alice, he became relieved.

"Hey!" Edward called Alice.
"Eh? Still.. awake? hehe!" Alice replied.
"I felt that someone is in here so i checked it out.. By the way, how old are you?"
"15 y/o. Third year high school."
"FIFTEEN!? I.. can't believe! It's so young for you to work!"
"That's life. Haha! And you? Are you still studying? You look like a teenage boy."
"18 y/o. I stop on studying college because I don't have enough enough money to continue my studies. and now that we are a band, this will be an opportunity for me to save money for my continuation."
"Ohh.. what should be you're course by now? and.. you and the guys are a band!? COOL!!"
"Yes, for already 2 years. Course? Chemical engineering."
"Wow! very nice! What's the name of your band?"
"Soul Freedom."
"Nice one! I wanna hear some of your songs, won't you mind?"
"Haha! sure! I'll get my guitar."
"I'll wait for you outside."

Alice went outside and sat on a bench stone, waiting for Edward. He, on the other hand, get his guitar in the room. He also get his clear book, full of song lyrics. He followed Alice outside and sat beside her. Looking at Alice's behavior and personality, He chose to sang a slow, sweet song.

"A Song of the Sun? Nice title and song! you're so cool! I like your voice! Very much! No kidding! Sweet!" Alice said with a big smile on her face.
"Thank you! Wait. I remember what you've said. You sleep 1hr after your work. You should be sleeping again by now, don't you?" Edward said with a deep concern.
" Ah! Yes. We'll continue tomorrow, can we?" Alice said.
"It's already tomorrow. Haha! Okay! So... Sweet.... Dreams??" Edward shyly said.
"Haha! Yeah, you're right. Thank you! Same to you, in continuing your sleep." Alice gently smiled.



  1. awwwch Taiyou no Uta, wasn't it?
    hmm. lemme give some corrections.. you said here Alice is a shy girl, so why don't you gives her more... shy words for conversation?

    and for Edward.. i think you'll just give him a bit-joker-personality. like KOHSHI have. :)

  2. on later episodes.. you'll see why is the conversation like that.. ;D that's what we call.. *whoops! spoiler!!!* I don't wanna give any clues.. xD uhh.. but..I'll give you a clue which is close to the clue.. xDD remember.. It's just edward that she's talking with.. xD

    and about the edward, ok, i'll try.. :D well since it's just the first chapters, I can improve his behavior.. xD

  3. okay then :D
    hmm i thought you're gonna make Alice a shy one from the beginning.

    maybe i should write a story too?!
    but what language i should use? Japanese = many people won't read it probably.
    English = maybe my Japanese friends won't read it either


  4. Nice! I'm really looking forward to the next chapters. It's so exciting. It makes me wanna write again! :))

    There are a few grammatical at punctuation errors, but who cares? Nobody's perfect. It's still a great story! :D

    When you finally finished the next few chapters, post the link on Facebook so I can read it, okay? :D

  5. don't worry, i'll keep both of you updated.. :D

  6. @tifa: haha! GO ON!! WRITE SOME!! :D in english.. xDDD jk! still, it's up to you.. :P
