Friday, November 19, 2010

[hoshi's 1st storia] "With You" (Chapters 5 - 7)

before anything else, (again?? xD) ... ... uhh...... nothing.. xDD jk.. no.. uhh.. i don't know if you'll be excited but i decided to have confessions post about the story after I've finished posting the whole story.. ;D haha! okay.. again.. enjoy.. :) oh, by the way, there's a reason why I didn't include chapter 8.. to be balanced.. I'll be posting it with the chapter 9 and 10 (which is a long chapter). Again, I say to you.. xDD this story is not professionally made.. :)


 Chapter 5: A new home

The day continues here. Alice went out for school, very happy. Mira and the band was surprised to see plenty of food on the table that was cooked by Alice. Good thing, those food tastes like heaven. They all enjoyed it. Meanwhile, Matthew, as the oldest, started to make a schedule for the band with the help of Mark. That time was a little quiet for them so Paolo think of anything to do to remove his boredom. He called out Edward and Daniel. He went to Mira's room quietly. Good thing, Mira was sitting on her bed and was concentrated looking outside the window.

"UUUWWAAAHH!!" Paolo screamed, surprised Mira, wagging his rubber fish.

"Shi~!! Aaaaa!!!" Mira shouted and violently ran as Daniel and Edward laughed.

"Wualah! Gottcha! Peace!" Paolo said with a big silly smile on his face.
"Argh! You silly boy! Go back to your room! Haha!" Mira said, laughing at herself.
"Hah! You better run away from you grandma!" Daniel said and still, laughing.
"Nah! Who are you calling grandma!?" Mira asked, smiling.
"Obviously.." Edward said, lifting his eyebrows, looking at Mira.
"Argh!! I'll get you outah here!!" Mira shouted, smiled like a criminal, lifted her sippers and chased the three silly boys.

All stopped running. Tired and still laughing. They took a rest on the floor, grasping for oxygen.

"You can stay here as long as you want." Mira said, smiling. She stood up.
"Oh.. Thank you.. GRANDMA." Edward teased Mira, and put out his tongue.
"As long as you won't call me grandma. HUWAHAHA!" Mira said, stroked Edward's head gently.

Mira and the band decided to prepare a dinner together. They helped each other. Mira guided the others what to do.   They baked a choco caramel cake as a thanks for Alice. Alice came back home, she was surprised and thank everybody for the hard work. She heard Paolo called Mira as "mama". She was surprised. She smiled to Paolo and said, "Wow! Can I.. call you brother?" with hesitation and a little nervous that Paolo would reject.

"Why not?" Paolo replied.
"Add one to that!" Edward said.
"Call all of us you brother would be perfect!" Daniel said, and winked to Alice.
"Thanks, all!" Alice said, bowing her head.
"Group hug!" Edward shouted.

They all gathered themselves, came closer to each other and hugged.

"Steppers High!!??" Daniel shouted. The boys laughed.
"WOOOOOT!!" They all shouted, going back to their seats and continued eating the dinner.


Chapter 6: Save Me...

Again, it's time for Alice to work. This time, the band followed her secretly. They want to know her situation at the work. They were a little close to the workplace when the boys got very thirsty so they bought first something to drink in a store just beside them except for Edward who was eager to see Alice so he leave the boys there and went straight ahead to Alice's workplace. He was almost there at the cafe's back door when he heard a loud bang of the door and a man screaming with a deep voice. He looked what's in there then saw Alice and her boss. Her boss pulled her out of the back door and slammed her against the wall. Alice got very scared, and was shaking. Tears burst out of her eyes.

"Didn't I told you to do your job?" The boss shouted.
"But.. I.. work here to.. to be a waitress.. w.. why do I have to do it!!?? I won't do that!" Alice nervously defended herself.
"You'll be dead!" the boss whispered to her, raising his fist.
"Stay away from Alice!!" Edward madly shouted, placing Alice behind him.
"Who in the hell are you, kid!?" the boss asked.
"Don't care about it anymore!" Edward said, and punched the boss' face on his full force.
"You! How dare you *f*ing kid do that!?" the boss shouted, raised his fist.
"IIYYAAHH!! EDWARD!!" shouted Alice and pulled Edward away to make the to make the boss' attack be missed.
"Oh! Thank you! Nice one!" Edward said to Alice.
"Errr! You almost been hurt! Stop it! Let's run away!" Alice pleaded to Edward.
"Stop! Edward! Alice! What's happening here!?" Matthew shouted. He ran and came close while the other band mates followed.
"Are you two okay!?" Daniel Said.
"You.... You're fired!" the boss shouted, pointed Alice and walked away.

Alice nodded to Daniel. She was still, shaking and trembling as if she was suffering from trauma. Edward walked Alice to a bench near the cafe. Paolo handed her a drink which he bought intentionally for her. Edward patted Alice's head, and Daniel patted her back gently. Mark handed her some tissue. Edward stood up.

"Who in the hell are you, kid!?" Edward said, cosplaying the boss.
"Edward! Why? you didn't know??" Edward said, being himself.
"You! How dare you *toot* kid do that!?" Edward said and again, cosplaying the boss.
"I can dare to! To my sister's freaking boss who looks like a big fat gorilla full of cooked mongo beans on his face!"he said, being himself.
"Hahahahaa!! Bravo, my brother!! Wonderful!" Alice said, smiling and was clapping her hands.
"You're such a bi-atch, Edward! Haha! joke!" Daniel pointed to Edward.
"Thank you.. Thank you! haha! kidding!" Edward said, bowing his head like there was a concert.


"Shall we go? It's already 11PM." Matthew asked.
"You can guys go home. I still need to freshen up myself." Alice replied
"I'll...." Edward accidentally said.
"Ha?" Matthew asked.
"You'll?" Mark said, waiting for the continuation.
"I'll go... yea, with Alice?? Is that ok?" Edward continued, looking at Alice.
"Ha? uhh.. Sure? Oh.. yea, sure!" Alice replied with a smile.
"Ah! I forgot! Matthew, Mark, Paolo, we need to do something, right Paolo?" Daniel said, sensing something and secretly winked to Paolo.
"Ah! Yes! The... The curtains!" Paolo shouted as he got Daniel's message and pulled Mark.
"Bye! Take care, both of you!" Matthew said as he can sense what Daniel and Paolo was doing.
"Thanks! You too!!" both Edward and Alice replied.

As the four boys walk away in the scenario, silence between Alice and Edward, came for a while.

"Let's walk in a park?" Edward said.
"Uhh... Sure?? Let's go!" Alice replied.

Chapter 7: Tell me your story.

Alice and Edward then, walked on the park. They took a rest on the picnic grounds, feeling the cold air.

"Eiiyyaahh!! Haha! You're so quiet!" Edward said.
"Haha! I.. I can't think of anything to say.. or.. any topic to start with." Alice replied.
"What!? Eh! FINE! Tell me something about yourself."
"Obviously. haha!"
"My name.. is Edward. My.. little brother's name is Paolo.."
"uhuh.. yes, i'm listening.. then??.."
"The end!" Edward shouted, pulled some grass and made it his confetti.
"EEHH!!! YOU'RE SO!" Alice shouted, stroked Edward's head.
"OUCH! That hurts! Why!? I did nothing against you! This is.... in... in... injustice!"
"Haha! Crazy! I mean.. something about yourself! your life.."
"Ha? uhh.. Ok, ok.. Serious mode.. Where will I start?? hmm.. Let me think.. we are 5 in the family. My.. My father is.. Wait, do I really need to answer you question?"
"It's up to you. I'll respect your decision."
"Can I trust you this? I mean.. Do you really think you can accept me.. I mean you can still accept me as a person.. a.. after I tell you.."
"It's up to you on how will you judge me.."

"o... kay.. Take two! hehe..
When I was young, my dad was the head of the BTF company. He had favoritism between his sons. He likes our sibling Jonah, the oldest who died 2 years ago because of leukemia. From that time, only my mother alone who defends ma and Paolo against my father's abusive behavior. Before, I was asking, Why can't my father accept me and my younger brother. Until one night came, my mother and father were fighting inside their room. I and Paolo listened to them and we just found out that Johna's father is different to mine and Paolo's. I got really mad. I went out of our house and got drunk. Then I... I..." Edward said, and silence followed.

"You... uhh.. suspense?? hehe!"
 "Haha! Not really"
"Go on.." Alice said, smiled and picked up the rock beside her and threw it on the pond.
"I had a.. a.. sexual intercourse with different girls. Few month have passed, I reached 17, I tried to stood up and went to my step father's work. I had a deal with him. If he let me get my brother, I and Paolo would never step on his territory. Paolo felt a new hope. We stayed at Mark's apartment. Heh! He's my high school classmate. I and Paolo went through gigs. I sing and both of us plays the guitar. I and Mark made a deal. We will pay 50/50 for the rent. More months passed by, Mark presented himself as a bassist and so I though about having a band. Daniel, one of our close schoolmate became the second vocalist and Matthew became the drummer."

"Ohh.. Wait is Matthew you're schoolmate?"
"Nope. He was recommended to us by one of our directors in the studio."
"Ohhh.. Well, at least, you're a different person now... A.. a better one.." Alice said, smiling on the dark sky.
"Nothing!" Alice said and winked to Edward.
"Let's go back home?" Edward asked.
"Sure! C'mon!" Alice replied.

They stood up and walked back home with Edward spotting Alice's tickling points.

"Hey! What the hek are you doing! Stop it! Haha!"
"Don't like!"


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